Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Nissan Versa Review 2008

Nissan dropped off a brand new 2008 Versa SL hatchback at the AutoblogGreen garage for a week's worth of commuting and grocery fetching. The Versa was introduced to the US market in mid-2006 as a 2007 model to fill the slot that opened up below the Sentra when that car did what so many cars do and grew larger and better equipped. At the time the Nissan said the Versa was built off their B-platform which implied that this was a B-Class or sub-compact car on a par with the Honda Fit.

The first few times I saw a Versa on the road it certainly appeared smaller than it actually is. As we all know appearances can be deceiving and the Versa's size proved to be no exception when I climbed behind the wheel. Nissan's new baby is in fact a C-Class car measuring within a half inch of a 2007 Ford Focus hatchback with one notable exception. The Versa stands 3.6 inches taller giving this car a cavernous interior for its class.

nissan versa review
nissan versa review
nissan versa review
nissan versa review
nissan versa review


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