Saturday, July 31, 2010

2010 Nissan Altima Cars

The 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid is a response from Nissan to the success of the Toyota Prius. Nissan claims that diesels are the most efficient route to take with hybrids. That’s why Nissan is debuting their hybrid line with a diesel.
The Altima hybrid is only on sale in 8 states, which will make it hard to find replacement parts and general service for the vehicle. All in all, this hybrid doesn’t exactly spark excitement when I think of it. The overall design is the same as the non-hybrid Altima and the car wasn’t that impressive even when it was only gasoline. It is rumored that a new redesign will be implemented in the 2012 model. It might be a good idea to wait the two years for the new version.

2010 nissan altima
2010 nissan altima
2010 nissan altima
2010 nissan altima
2010 nissan altima


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